We have many events throughout the year, providing hands-on opportunities for art making, special exhibits of our member’s art, kid’s classes, demos, social gatherings and more.

Watch this page for updates on what’s happening at the Guild!

October Special Show

Works of Nature

High Cotton & Dyed in the Wool

Valerie Pollard

Patience Renzulli

A fun, fresh, fabulous collection of fiber art awaits you at the Art Guild of Paducah! In their exciting joint show, “HIGH COTTON & DYED IN THE WOOL”

Valerie and Patience will have some unusual surprises for you, while focusing on the natural world. The show will hang from October 4th – October 31st, but each piece is a one of a kind work of art, so join the fun at the opening to enjoy all of the art (before it sells), the camaraderie, and the homemade refreshments.

Opening: Friday, October 4, 5-7pm

November Featured Artist

Head in the Clouds

New Work

Michael Terra

Join us for the Opening Reception of guild member Michael Terra’s “Head in the Clouds” exhibit. Friday, November 1, 2024, 5-7pm. Themed refreshments will be served.

As a digital painter and poet Michael Terra is discovering that he can’t separate his love of clouds from his love of poetry. He’s been integrating his poetry into his artwork for most of his professional career and now he’s got his “Head in the Clouds.”

“A wiser voice than mine once said: the sky covers us all. I think that clouds can reflect our moods and memories and fire the imagination in remarkable ways”, says Terra.

Please join him in introducing his newest body of work.

Opening: Friday, Noember 1, 5-7pm